Art lets me express what is in my heart and mind more than I can say in words. I have always loved to draw. Now I have a business creating and selling my art. People used to tell me that I am unable to learn new things. I was told that I could never be part of society because I would fail. They didn’t even want me to try. What is worse they tried to kill my desire to try. My mother used to say, “Prove them wrong.” I am proving them wrong, through my artwork. Every day I show people that you can do anything that you put your mind to. If I have a good day, or an especially bad day, going outside to create art changes my day for the better.
When I was a kid, my brother and I would draw animals and people together. Today, I like to paint nature scenes and animals with acrylics. When I draw, I like to use pastels. I use the animals to represent my sons. They give me a lot of inspiration.
I love music. I love to create drawings of musicians. Musicians often use music to express their emotions. I use art to express my emotions. I can express who I am in my art. Now, people can see it.