Questions and Answers
Q: Does LOCAL's Gallery have a gallery here in Redding?
A: No. At this time we only have an online gallery that supports local artists. In time we would like to have a traditional brick and mortar location. However; we are based here in Redding.
Q: Does LOCAL's Gallery display art work?
A: Yes, our website features artwork from LOCAL artists.
Q: Does it cost to be featured on the gallery website?
A: There is a yearly membership fee of $25. Each member will a membership card. Members receive discounts at local businesses and at LOCAL's Gallery events. We will even include a free YouTube commercial featuring your artwork. From time to time we will also feature new artwork on our Facebook, Pintrest, and Twitter.
Q: What is LOCAL's Gallery commission rate?
A: We only charge a 20% commission fee. The industry standard is now between 40-50%. We do this to help inspire up and coming LOCAL artists.
Q: How do I submit my artwork?
A: It is highly recommend that your art is digitally scanned for optimal display.
Q: Is there a contract that I need to sign?
A: Yes, there is a contract. This is to protect both LOCAL's Gallery and the artist. Each piece of art will have a contract.
Q: What happens if my art sells somewhere else?
A: Great!! We want you to be noticed and to be successful. You will need to contact us so we can remove that particular piece from the gallery.