Art was always my favorite subject, but after it stopped being required
(when I got to High School) I had to stop taking it in favor of classes that
would get me into college. My parents did not consider artistic pursuits to
be career-worthy. Nevertheless, I managed to sneak in one art class and
one design class while an undergraduate at the University of Colorado, and
one art history class at the University of Madrid (that one was required).
Graduate school, work, marriage and being a mom took up all my time for
about 15 years. I started private lessons (with my daughter’s art teacher!)
and fell in love again. While my children were in school, I took classes at
the Nassau County Art Museum on Long Island and the Art Students’
League in New York City. So much fun! While I was in New York I
exhibited in a lot of different places, some nice, like The Times Square Art
Show, and others pretty strange. Shortly after I moved to the area in 2009,
I became associated with North Valley Art League.
Although I’ve worked all media, drawing, both graphite and colored
pencils, and oil painting are my favorites. I am intrigued by art that has
twists and surprises, so that’s a lot of what I paint. Sometimes I know how
a piece will turn out; other times I’ll just start something and see what