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This past year has been extremely interesting. Once again LOCAL's Gallery is happy to announce we are experiencing a growth spurt. 

First, we must say our farewell to Sayre.  He decided earlier in the year to move to San Diego for college and we wish him the very best! Also a heartfelt "thank you" for all the greatness he brought to LOCAL's.

Our family is growing by leaps and bounds: 

Today we start advertising worldwide and will also be shipping worldwide. 

LOCAL's Gallery has decided to expand into Las Vegas, Nevada with the help of two brothers: Chris and Sean with whom I have worked with both personally and professionally over the last decade.  They are well acquainted with the Las Vegas area, based on their connections; their sister, Aubrey, is a performing artist who has danced across the world.  With their determination and dedication we look forward to collaborating on events that will artistically benefit both communities.  

We are pleased to announce that LOCAL's Gallery will now be offering photo printing. Chris Aguirre has joined our working family as our printer.  Over the years he has been printing privately for himself and for select artists from the area. Members of LOCAL's Gallery will receive a discount on printing Our in-house printing options will be a great advantage to both locations.

LOCAL's Gallery will also begin offering art classes and workshops throughout Shasta County, CA.  Julie Bullock is joining our working family as the Workshop Coordinator. Julie's presence in the art community is awe-inspiring and we look forward to seeing what she brings to the rest of the community.

We are pleased to announce that Michele James has joined our working family as our Social Media Director. Michele is a passionate photographer who has lived in the Redding area for nearly 20 years.  Although specializing in waterfalls, Michele also photographs landscapes, portraits, and has a special interest in historical attractions.  Michele has the unique talent of bringing almost any subject to life in her photography.

Jansen Lefever has also joined our working family as our Public Relations Coordinator.  Jansen can be heard Monday-Friday, 10am-2pm daily on Power94.  Although not a visual artist, Jansen is a performing artist. When not working he can be found on stage performing standup comedy.  His enthusiasm to support all mediums of art is a welcome addition.

LOCAL's Gallery is looking forward to a great year.  We know that none of this would be possible without all of you!



Though much public awareness, LOCAL's Gallery has expanded to display and promote artists in Butte, Siskiyou and Tehema Counties as well.


A nation wide marketing campaing began in January to promote the LOCAL artists of Butte, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Tehema Counites.  A new website was created and implemted to include an all new shopping cart for buyers throughout the country.



LOCAL's Gallery began holding Special Events to help promote LOCAL artists.  With the attention, people throughout the community began requesting that the ARTWALK be brought back to the community. Henceforth, ARTWALK Redding was born.



Joe and Sayre began brainstorming on how to bring art to the people of Shasta County, this website is the first step in giving artisans of all trades a venue to display their work.A new website was launched to promote local artists!


Who is LOCAL's Gallery?

LOCAL's Gallery is a local company based in Redding, CA that promotes Butte, Shasta, Tehema County artists. We have been in business since Aril 2014. We have had great opportunities to host several arts and crafts shows, one fundraising event to help local children during the holiday season, and we hosted My Golden Valentine. This event had local children creating Valentine art which were delivered to local seniors at retirement homes. May 2015, we hosted the Mother's Day Artisan Festival. It was a huge success with over 600 attendees.

How do I become an artist on this site?


It is actually rather easy. First, you need to be a current resident of Butte, Shasta, Siskiyou, or Tehema County. Second, it is highly recommended that your art is digitally scanned for display on the website. Learn more...



Is there a listing fee to being an artist on this site?

No. There is no listing fee to have your art listed on our website. We will even include a free YouTube commercial featuring your artwork.  From time to time we will also feature new artwork on our Facebook, Pintrest, and Twitter..

What type of art can will be accepted?


LOCAL's Gallery will accept all forms of art, no matter the medium.





Joe Bean-founder

Joe Bean moved to Redding, CA in the fall of 2013 and immediately noticed the lack of artistic venues. While originally being from the Bay area and later living in Santa Fe, NM to attend college he began to appreciate art of all kind. He then moved to Colorado where once again took a high interest in art.

Chris Aguirre-art director

Is happy to join the LOCAL's Gallery working family in 2017. He attended The Academy of Art University of San Francisco and The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for his Bachelor's Degree in Media Arts and Animation, and it has always been very important to him to gain as much knowledge about art as he can, so that he can imply new techniques, push the boundaries of his art, and grow as an artist. 

Aubrey Pascoe-gallery curator 

Is happy to join the LOCAL's Gallery working family in 2017 as our gallery curator in Las Vegas, NV.

Las Vegas, NV

Redding, CA

Michele James-workshop coordinator & social media director

We are pleased to announce that Michele James has joined our working family as our Social Media Director. Michele is a passionate photographer who has lived in the Redding area for nearly 20 years.  Although specializing in waterfalls, Michele also photographs landscapes, portraits, and has a special interest in historical attractions.  Michele has the unique talent of bringing almost any subject to life in her photography.

"Create Community"

LOCAL's Gallery  strives to build community through self-discovery and shared experience.  We work to enhance a richer way of life by creating harmony through creative expression.

Jansen Lefever-public relations coordinator

Jansen Lefever grew up in Los Angeles and has a love of both film and picking on artist. To be fair he is a comedian so he still counts as a starving artist. He moved to Redding for a change of pace. He also has his own radio show on Power 94. 

Chris Pascoe-public relations coordinator 

Mr. Christopher Pascoe is a Las Vegas native. At a young age Christopher moved away from Las Vegas with his family and spent many years living in different states to include  Florida and Colorado. Christopher eventually moved back to Las Vegas in 2010, where he has spent the past several years serving his community in many different aspects. His background includes working in the Casino industry for several years. His customer service experience includes the opening of two major resorts and nightclub as well as business services and concierge. Christopher continues to serve his country in the United States Coast Guard Reserve. 

Barbara Lundeen-website coordinator

Contact Us

Redding, CA                                             Las Vegas, NV          

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The thought behind Local’s Gallery is to support local artists and to allow them a thoughtful and productive outlet for the creativity that is found within our community.

 All individuals that create and implement their own artwork, no matter the medium, are welcome to display and sell their work here.

© 2016 by LOCAL's

Please respect the copyrights of each artist on this site.
No use may be made of any artwork without the express, verifiable permission of the originating artist.

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