
"Create Community"
LOCAL's Gallery strives to build community through self-discovery and shared experience. We work to enhance a richer way of life by creating harmony through creative expression.
To bring together four generations of artists and to showcase the talent that is within our communities. The awards will be based on the generation the artist comes from, not the generation they choose to represent.
Generation Name Birth Starts Births End
The Silent Generation 1925 1945
Baby Boomer 1946 1964
Generation X 1965 1981
Millennial 1982 2004
This show is open to all artists residing in Butte, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity Counties.
All forms of artistic expression are encouraged. We are looking for:
assemblage, calligraphy, ceramics, computer, , conceptual, artistic design, drawing, folk, graffiti, graphic, illuminated manuscript, illustration, mosaic, painting, photography, sculpture, stained glass, tapestry, and video.
Please keep in mind that this a family friendly event.
We are looking to feature 26 pieces from each generation.
Please keep in mind that this a family friendly event. Our purpose is to exhibit your unique artwork for patrons to view, appreciate and purchase. Approximately 104 images will be exhibited and also on the LOCAL's Gallery website. At this time all pieces will be exhibited at the Brew Craft Coffee; . 1320 Yuba St #105, Redding, CA 96001. This exhibit will take place July 2017.
Michael Karns started his artistic career early on. His parents always encouraged him to follow his dreams. His career in the art industry began because of that encouragement. Michael attended the University of Oshkosh and earned a degree in graphic design and illustration. After graduating he headed to California to work for Disney. His plans changed suddenly along the way and he started working as a graphic artist in the apparel industry. Over the years he has learned different computer programs to make his artwork unique in his industry, enough so that he has won a nationally recognized award. He has become respected by the art community enough that he opened his own business, Boundary Waters Screenprinting.
Total Awards-$200
Prizes will be awarded to each generation-$50 each
Artwork will be judged based on artist age group and not on the generation that is represented in the art.
ENTRY FEES— all entries will be submitted online (see instructions below)
$20 to enter two entries
$7 for each additional entry
No limit on the number of submittals per entrant
Images will be juried in electronic format as submitted, with final jurying for awards based on the artwork presented for the Generations exhibit.
Entry Period Opens January 25, 2017
Entry Deadline June 19, 2017
Notice of Acceptance June 22, 2017
Hand-delivered work due Friday June 30
Show Opens Saturday, July 1
Reception and Awards Saturday, July 8, 6:30-9:30 pm
Pick up Unsold Work Friday, August 4, 4-9 pm
Everyone who enters will receive an email notification regarding acceptance or non-acceptance by MAY 20, 2017. Detailed instructions for delivery, California BOE number, and artwork identification will be detailed in the acceptance notice.
Works must be delivered ready to hang. Maximum weight is 12 pounds. All artwork that is to be hung must use a wire. D-rings or split rings for your hanging hardware is highly suggested.
There will be a 20 percent commission charged by the gallery on any piece that is sold. All art must remain in the exhibit until the end of the exhibit.
Entrants retain copyright of all their submitted images, subject to LOCAL's Gallery. Use Rights listed below.
By submission for jurying, artists whose submissions are chosen for the exhibition grant LOCAL's Gallery the right to use their images for the purpose of marketing the exhibition, marketing the LOCAL's Gallery’s programs and subsequent display on the LOCAL's Gallery website gallery exhibits. Artists grant the use of their image(s) as stated without further contact or compensation from LOCAL's Gallery. Artist’s recognition is provided with any use.
to prepare your images for online entry please use the following criteria
JPEG format
File size no larger than 2 MB
File up loads and payment can be done at:
LOCAL's Gallery is a local company based in Redding, CA that promotes Butte, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama County artists. We have been in business since Aril 2014. We have had great opportunities to host several arts and crafts shows, one fundraising event to help local children during the holiday season, and we hosted My Golden Valentine. This event had local children creating Valentine art which were delivered to local seniors at retirement homes. We hosted the Mother's Day Artisan Festival the last two years. Both years were a huge success. The first year we had over 600 attendees, the second year was even bigger with nearly a 1,000 attendees.